Do you enjoy telling stories in an expressive way? Are you interested in culture, history and language? Do you want to change that passion from a side hustle to a main one? Then a career as a storyteller might be the perfect path for you.
Stories, folktales, oral narratives and books are how our experiences travel through generations. Whether there is a lesson in the story or just sheer enjoyment, storytelling is a creative way to share traditions and experiences. It may not appear to be a viable career option but there are many ways to embrace your creative energy and become a professional storyteller.
Choose your Storytelling Medium
Storytelling is a way to get your message across in an engaging manner and this can take different forms. A written story book, a children’s illustration book or a combination of both. Song and music remains a popular medium to entertain and engage young ones. Then of course is there is performance – using your voice, body and movement to create compelling stories and experiences. So, take some time to consider your own skills and maximise your storytelling with the best medium for you.
Understand that it will take time to perfect
Take the time to be comfortable in your craft. We have all taken a brief look at a performance or piece of art and thought it was something we could possibly do. It’s not enough to just enjoy storytelling. It is important to continue to improve your skill through practice, feedback and consistency. It is not an overnight success.
Improve your skills as a storyteller through training and education
As with most creative endeavours, talent and passion are important ingredients for a successful career in storytelling. Still, continuous learning and training is important. This can take the form of both formal and informal methods. This could include training workshops or performance art through a tertiary institution. Remember, to maximise storytelling as a tool requires practical experience. This will help you to adapt to various settings.
Earn an income with different opportunities as a storyteller
You’ll find that networking with other professional storytellers and industry players is an important aspect that will get you into the right rooms. There are a variety of ways to make money from storytelling. Here a few to explore:
- Write and publish books,
- Give storytelling performances or
- Run workshops and training sessions.
- Perform in international festivals,
- Participate in corporate storytelling, or
- Motivational speaking.